news craps
The Midnight Deregulation Express
by: Matthew Blake, The Washington Independent
In Final Days, Bush Pushes for Iraq's Oil
by: Maya Schenwar, t r u t h o u t | Report
Fed Defies Transparency in $2 Trillion Loans
by: Mark Pittman, Bob Ivry and Alison Fitzgerald, Bloomberg
Legality of Same-Sex Marriage Ban Challenged
by: Ashley Surdin, The Washington Post

Hello All My Friends,
This morning, the decision was made to let PW go after a cancerous bile duct tumor was discovered during exploratory surgery. Even if we had decided to remove the tumor, liver cancer would have returned within 6 months, as apparently it always does. Her future was grim.
The ever cranky PW was sweet and loving towards me right before her surgery, allowing me to kiss her multiple times on the head and scratch under her chin. Of course, she hiss and spit at the vet tech and doctor!
I am happy that she went before any pain and suffering had occurred, but I am sad that she had to leave at the young age of 10.
Just wanted to keep everyone updated....
Love and Purrs
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