usual craps
The Obama Agenda
by: Paul Krugman, The New York Times
What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been
by: Bill Ayers, In These Times
Inside Bay Area
- Inside Bay Area
Standing above the gathered crowd at Church and 18th street in San Francisco, Amber Allred, 27, center and Jessica Bell, 21 right led the group of supporters in a chant for equal rights Friday night November 7, 2008. (Julie Remensperger)
my crap of the day
marriage is a civil right issue, which is carrying more weight than a mere personal choice or a third party's opinion, or beliefs.
if you don't agree to the same-sex marriage, do marry one.
it is not supposed to be a political issue in the first place, let alone a church's mandate.
international craps
PARIS - Inspired by Barack Obama, the French first lady and other leading figures say it's high time for France to stamp out racism and shake up a white political and social elite that smacks of colonial times.
real indian joke
Ann Little Running Deer is the MASTER when it comes to finding humorous tid- bits to share for our enjoyment. Take a look at her latest contribution. Do you answer yes to any of the following questions? Then you just might be…
…an Indian If:
Someone asks you your stance on immigration, and you just laugh .
You use commodity can labels for your art collage project.
You get hit in the head with an old piece of fry bread you see bluebirds.
Your car starts with a screw driver.
In your every day life you unintentionally seem to be breaking taboos.
All the people in the community or town you live in are your cousins! ( cousin- broth er/ cousin- sister)
You don' t understand the purpose for storage lockers or their high rental costs . Why, the cars parked in your front yard store just as much stuff , plus it's free.
Your head automatically turns at the sound of " shhhh hhhht " .
As a young child, learning your ABC's was hard because you wondered what the joke was every time you heard "A" ( AAAYE ) .
You attend a General Custer memorial dinner, and you wear an Arrow shirt .
Someone at a picnic yells " Hey, you with the blanket, over here. " , and you think it's an invitation for romance.
You're dancing to "Running Bear" at your local bar and it begins to rain.
You put a "Free Peltier" sticker on your truck , and the FBI wiretaps your house.
You get into a verbal fight with the waiter at your local Mexican restaurant over— - Sopapilla, or is it Fry Bread?
Someone inadvertently points out directions with his lips and you know exactly where he is talking about .
You see a cute and chubby puppy and your lips begin to water . ( Probably NOT a Comanche! )
During a night out on the town, you announce you're going home and then you drive over five hours to get there .
You have had a dog named Bear.
You are wearing your drum group jacket and some woman looks at your jacket and says "Is that a band?" and your first thought is, "Wait a minute, do I have my tribal/ rez jacket on?" Then you realize what she is talking about and when you tell her, "No, it's a Native American drum" , she just looks at you with this blank stare and says, "Oh…"
Your travel luggage is designer black Hefty Cinch Sacks !
You think that the Basic Food Groups are Spam, commod cheese, fry bread , and Pepsi .
Your dance outfit is in a suitcase held together by duct tape and pow- wow bumper stickers.
You drive over 25mph and the paint peels off your rez truck . You tell your friends that you are letting Mother Nature sand it for you before you get a paint job.
Your friend gives you a bike "for free" but you hafta pay him $20 for him to tell you where NOT to ride it.
You watch an old western with some friends, you are the only one that notices that the Indians in the movie are actually Italians!
A photographer is taking a family picture, and he says " CHEESE" , every one lines up.
Your relative gets a nice jacket that you wish you had so say, " Geez Hey, I REEEA AALLLY like that Jacket. " (and he gives it to you)
Your car starts with a screw driver, and a sticker that says "This is not an abandoned car."
You wake up after your 18th birthday with a wrecked truck , a hickey and bus ticket to Haskell .
You should turn your head while all about you are turning theirs and blaming it on you.
You prepare a conference for the Navajos and Lakota to meet on policy issues and the main course for the banquet is sheep dog.
You tell an ignorant individual (dictionary definition) that you are Native American and he/ she asks if you live in a tipi.
KIBATI, Congo - Doctors are struggling to contain an outbreak of cholera in a sprawling refugee camp near Congo's eastern provincial capital of Goma, as renewed fighting ignited fears that patients could scatter and launch an epidemic.
SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt - Israeli, Palestinian and international negotiators pledged Sunday to continue peace talks launched last year by President Bush, even though the quest for peace will certainly outlast his administration.
real indian joke
Ann Little Running Deer is the MASTER when it comes to finding humorous tid- bits to share for our enjoyment. Take a look at her latest contribution. Do you answer yes to any of the following questions? Then you just might be…
…an Indian If:
Someone asks you your stance on immigration, and you just laugh .
You use commodity can labels for your art collage project.
You get hit in the head with an old piece of fry bread you see bluebirds.
Your car starts with a screw driver.
In your every day life you unintentionally seem to be breaking taboos.
All the people in the community or town you live in are your cousins! ( cousin- broth er/ cousin- sister)
You don' t understand the purpose for storage lockers or their high rental costs . Why, the cars parked in your front yard store just as much stuff , plus it's free.
Your head automatically turns at the sound of " shhhh hhhht " .
As a young child, learning your ABC's was hard because you wondered what the joke was every time you heard "A" ( AAAYE ) .
You attend a General Custer memorial dinner, and you wear an Arrow shirt .
Someone at a picnic yells " Hey, you with the blanket, over here. " , and you think it's an invitation for romance.
You're dancing to "Running Bear" at your local bar and it begins to rain.
You put a "Free Peltier" sticker on your truck , and the FBI wiretaps your house.
You get into a verbal fight with the waiter at your local Mexican restaurant over— - Sopapilla, or is it Fry Bread?
Someone inadvertently points out directions with his lips and you know exactly where he is talking about .
You see a cute and chubby puppy and your lips begin to water . ( Probably NOT a Comanche! )
During a night out on the town, you announce you're going home and then you drive over five hours to get there .
You have had a dog named Bear.
You are wearing your drum group jacket and some woman looks at your jacket and says "Is that a band?" and your first thought is, "Wait a minute, do I have my tribal/ rez jacket on?" Then you realize what she is talking about and when you tell her, "No, it's a Native American drum" , she just looks at you with this blank stare and says, "Oh…"
Your travel luggage is designer black Hefty Cinch Sacks !
You think that the Basic Food Groups are Spam, commod cheese, fry bread , and Pepsi .
Your dance outfit is in a suitcase held together by duct tape and pow- wow bumper stickers.
You drive over 25mph and the paint peels off your rez truck . You tell your friends that you are letting Mother Nature sand it for you before you get a paint job.
Your friend gives you a bike "for free" but you hafta pay him $20 for him to tell you where NOT to ride it.
You watch an old western with some friends, you are the only one that notices that the Indians in the movie are actually Italians!
A photographer is taking a family picture, and he says " CHEESE" , every one lines up.
Your relative gets a nice jacket that you wish you had so say, " Geez Hey, I REEEA AALLLY like that Jacket. " (and he gives it to you)
Your car starts with a screw driver, and a sticker that says "This is not an abandoned car."
You wake up after your 18th birthday with a wrecked truck , a hickey and bus ticket to Haskell .
You should turn your head while all about you are turning theirs and blaming it on you.
You prepare a conference for the Navajos and Lakota to meet on policy issues and the main course for the banquet is sheep dog.
You tell an ignorant individual (dictionary definition) that you are Native American and he/ she asks if you live in a tipi.
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