perfect crap for the perfect day

Israel calls this 30+ foot apartied wall a "FENCE" and those around the world who have not seen it believe this load of garbage.

sadness sinks down no drain
Israel forces fear and terror into children so that they grow up not to resist the occupation.
Israeli soldiers point weapons at children to scare them.

No country in the world could get away with using their military in this form, but somehow Israel does and has been for 60 years and getting away with it.

A Palestinian Child against an Israeli tank. His name is Faris Odeh, he was 12 years old, and was shot in the head and killed by Israeli soldiers 3 days after this photo was taken .
Had he been a child of any other country, shot and killed by any other soldier, it would've made headlines around the world, but Israel has been getting away with such war crimes against humanity for 60 years and nobody seems to notice.

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