good craps
The rapper Jay-Z elegantly expressed the Obama campaign's connection to the long struggle for equality, along with the enthusiasm that it generated: "Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so that Obama could run. Obama's running so that we all can fly."
french craps

French and US supporters on the streets of Paris cheered Mr. Obama's victory. (Photo/right: Olivier Laban-mattei / Agence France-Presse / Getty Images)
Robert Sole | Sorry, We Can't
Sorry. No column today. The keyboard is not responding. History is a page being turned. Three words on the screen: "Yes we can." While it is impossible to joke with genocide or disaster, it is equally impossible to joke with an event that makes you weep for joy. The first worldwide good news since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 needs more than a pirouette or an amused wink. At this moment - but for how long ? - we can say with far more conviction than on 11 September 2001: we are all Americans.
news craps as usual

On Tuesday voters dealt what may be a fatal blow to America's longest-running and least-discussed war - the war on marijuana. (Photo/right: Ben Margot / AP)
by: Rob Kampia, AlterNet

California Uses Announcement of Proposed Water Cuts to Push Canal and Dams
by: Dan Bacher, t r u t h o u t | Report
Mark Weisbrot | After Four Decades, Finally, the Beginning of the End
Mark Weisbrot, Truthout: "The nation's capital came alive after 11 PM on election eve, as thousands poured into the streets to celebrate a victory that everyone was calling historic. Car horns blaring, whooping and shouting, high fives all around, multi-racial crowds celebrating joyously. Historic it is, most obviously in the election of an African-American president, in a country where millions of black people could not even vote when the new president-elect was born. But there is another sense in which this election will likely turn out to be historic."
What Obama's Election Means Abroad
Scott Baldauf, The Christian Science Monitor: "The world, which has tracked this American election like no other, sees Barack Hussein Obama as their president, their choice. And they see him through their own geographical and cultural prisms. To many, he represents the restoration of faith in American democratic ideals, of equality. The global euphoria over the election of the first black US president is also partly an expression of a populace that wants to believe that the same principles can apply to their lives, too."
Obama Considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for EPA
Mike Allen, The Politico: "President-elect Barack Obama is strongly considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Cabinet post, Democratic officials told Politico. Obama's transition planners are weighing several other celebrity-level political stars for Cabinet posts, including retired Gen. Colin L. Powell for secretary of defense or education, the officials said."
Labor Wants Obama to Take On Big Fight
Kris Maher, The Wall Street Journal: "Organized labor sees a historic opportunity with Tuesday's election and is counting on the incoming Obama administration to back its agenda in what promises to be a landmark battle with business."
Dangerous Masquerade
Elizabeth Zwerling, Ms. Magazine: "When Nina Lopez, 19, a student at Santa Monica College in California, learned that her school routinely referred students concerned about possible pregnancies to a 'pregnancy resource center,' or 'crisis pregnancy center' (CPC), she was concerned."
Inside Bay Area
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