email from the crypt
From: messenger@truthout.org
Subject: BREAKING | President Obama
Date: November 4, 2008 7:55:28 PM PST
BREAKING | President Obama
Obama wins.
From: Barack Obama
Date: November 4, 2008 8:32:29 PM PST
Subject: How this happened
I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.
We just made history.
And I don't want you to forget how we did it.
You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.
I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.
We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.
But I want to be very clear about one thing...
All of this happened because of you.
Thank you,
code pink
From: codepink@mail.democracyinaction.org
Subject: Obama Wins! We Win!
Date: November 4, 2008 10:16:29 PM PST
November 5, 2008
Dear Friend,
"Today we become the nation we dream of being, a place where everyone can rise to the level of their true worth, with no false barriers. Today truth triumphs over lies, hope over fear. Today we become the people who can do the great things that are needed to restore health and balance and abundance for all. Today we take the dream and make it real." --Starhawk
An Obama victory is a victory for the peace movement. It sends a message to the political establishment that being against war is the winning position. War is SO Over. American voters have recognized the costs-lives lost, international cooperation thwarted, and tax dollars squandered-and chosen the candidate who promised to end the Iraq war and to use diplomacy first.
We should all take a moment-or a few days or even a week-to relish a job well done. We worked hard for this victory and should celebrate. But we can't stop now: an Obama administration will need our help to live up to its promises.
What do we want from an Obama Administration and a Democratic-controlled Congress? We want an end to the occupation of Iraq and reparations for its people. We don't want the troops from Iraq shipped straight to another losing war in Afghanistan. We want a negotiated settlement in Afghanistan. We want a diplomatic solution to the conflict with Iran. We want the restoration of our civil liberties and the protection of our environment. We want money to bail out homeowners who are in foreclosure because of predatory lenders. We want a NEW New Deal for America: jobs, housing, universal health care, education, roads, public transportation….We want a government that puts the needs of people ahead of the profits of banks and corporations.
Will we get all these things? Not without continuing our feisty, vibrant and sometimes LOUD agitation. We thank you for all the phone calls you made, the doors you knocked on, the money you donated, and the letters your wrote. So breathe a sigh of relief, kick back for a few days, and then let's get back to work.
Special Congratulations to our pledge winners Kelli, Buddy and Noelle- our grand prize winner and 2 runners up! Thank you to everyone who worked so hard, in so many ways, to truly embody being a Voter for Peace this election!
Thank you for giving peace a vote and a voice!
Dana, Deidra, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jean, Jodie, Liz, Lori, Medea, Nancy, and Rae
P.S. Read our new Call to Action: Time for a 21st Century Green America! If you'd like to work with us on this campaign contact info[at]codepinkalert.org
my crap, today
we've waited, and waited, and waited. for the past 40 plus fucking damned years!
i have never thought this would happen in america, not in MY life time! but lord, behold! it just happened right before my eyes, and in fact, i have seen it happening right under my nose!
we haven't celebrated any thing other than new year's eves since year 2000... what for? while the country's been run down (not to mention the world) by an moron and his neo-con nuts!
but tonight, we opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate, for not only the historic moment but also, herewith, the promising future of the united states of america and hopefully the whole world, that we, the people, as americans, have finally elected a black president of the united states of america -- after 500 hundred years of white-greatness of self-righteousness, white-supremacy, empire-building, and pseudo democracy.
as a black and a minority president elect, we hope he has learned and stored in his heart and mind the knowledge and acknowledgment that not only the america and americans but the whole world, planet and all beings beyond need to realize that peace and love are desperately in demand! for the well-beings of us all!!
we hope he is not only a black president of america, but a green president of the planet, as well.
news of new kind of craps
Record Turnout Expected in Battleground States
Brendan Sasso and Kevin Bogardus, The Hill: "Record voter turnout is anticipated in battleground states across the country, as supporters of Barack Obama and John McCain head to the polls to elect a new president. Ohio, Virginia and Florida, three states President Bush won in 2004, are all expecting high turnouts."
At the Polls: Lines, Glitches and Enthusiasm
Ian Urbina, The New York Times: "Voting experts predicted a record turnout of 130 million voters, which would be the highest percentage turnout in a century. It could shatter the previous record of 123.5 million who cast ballots four years ago. If 64 percent of registered voters make their way to the polls, as some predict, it would be the highest percentage since 1908."
Eugene Robinson | A New Kind of Pride
Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post: "For African-Americans, at least those of us old enough to have lived through the civil rights movement, this is nothing short of mind-blowing. It's disorienting, and it makes me see this nation in a different light."
World Hopes for "Less Arrogant America"
William J. Kole and Matt Moore, The Associated Press: "The world was riveted by the election drama unfolding Tuesday in the United States, inspired by the hope embodied by Barack Obama or simply relieved that - whoever wins - an administration that spawned Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay was coming to an end."
Nation Watches as a Divided California Prepares to Decide on Same-Sex Marriage
Jessica Garrison, The Los Angeles Times: "After the most expensive campaign in state history over a social issue, Californians are poised to begin voting Tuesday on the divisive and deeply emotional issue of same-sex marriage. Proposition 8, which would amend the California Constitution to ban gay marriage, has been extremely close in recent polling, with the Field Poll last week showing 49% against and 44% in favor of the measure, with 7% undecided. Along with the presidential race, the fight over gay marriage is among nation's most closely watched contests."
Beena Sarwar | "New US President Must Review Pakistan Policy"
Beena Sarwar, Inter Press Service: "Tensions between the United States and Pakistan -- on the eve of the keenly-watched U.S. Presidential elections -- accompanying a visit by U.S. commander Gen. David Petraeus over unabated air strikes into Pakistani territory bode ill for peace in the region say analysts."
Le Monde | Why Obama
Editorialists at Le Monde and Liberation evaluate the United States's presidential race in its final hours.
Congressional Democrats Look Ahead to a New Era
Aaron Blake, The Hill: "Democrats are within reach of their magic number this election - a 60 percent majority in both chambers of Congress. In the Senate, they could secure a filibuster-proof majority, which would set the seal on a new epoch of one-party domination. It still appears unlikely that Senate Democrats will quite hit that mark, but the party also beat similar odds two years ago when it won three of four key races to take a bare majority. All eyes Tuesday night will be on three Southern states - Georgia, Kentucky and Mississippi - with Democrats needing at least one to reach their prize."
Bob Herbert | Beyond Election Day
Bob Herbert, The New York Times: "Conservative commentators had a lot of fun mocking Barack Obama's use of the phrase, 'the fierce urgency of now.' Noting that it had originated with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Senator Obama made it a cornerstone of his early campaign speeches. Conservatives kicked the phrase around like a soccer ball. 'The fierce urgency of now,' they would say, giggling. What does it mean? Well, if your house is on fire and your family is still inside, that's an example of the fierce urgency of now."
Suemedha Sood | Youth + Environment = Turnout
Suemedha Sood, The Washington Independent: "It's becoming apparent that the youth vote could be a key component of Tuesday's electorate. Americans age 18 to 30 are expected to turn out in record numbers. This is what the Obama campaign has long been focusing on, since Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee, does well with voters under 30, according to national polls. If young voters meet these expectations and turn out to vote, their preferences could influence the electorate. That's why political organizers and pollsters have been trying to determine exactly what those preferences are."
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