
Maybe We Should Take the North Koreans at Their Word
Tad Daley, Tikkun.org: "The one thing we can probably say for sure about the prospects for universal nuclear disarmament is that no state will agree either to abjure or to dismantle nuclear weapons unless it believes that such a course is the best course for its own national security. To persuade states like North Korea and Iran to climb aboard the train to abolition would probably require simultaneous initiatives on three parallel tracks. One track would deliver nuclear weapons policies that directly address the long-simmering resentments around the world about the long-standing nuclear double standard, that directly acknowledge our legacy of nuclear hypocrisy, and that directly connect nuclear non-proliferation to nuclear disarmament." (More)

Apeldoorn Sets High Energy Self-Sufficiency Goals
Le Monde (French): http://www.lemonde.fr/planete/article/2009/05/27/apeldoorn-aux-pays-bas-veut-croire-au-solaire-et-a-l-eolien_1198579_3244.html#ens_id=1198672
Gregoire Alix reports for Le Monde from the Dutch city of Apeldoorn: "'In 2020, all energy consumed in Apeldoorn will have to be renewable, without fossil fuels, without nuclear power, and produced in our own city.' With graphs for support, Michael Boddeke, the official in charge of sustainable development for this city that looks like a blossoming village at the center of the Netherlands, is optimistic: solar, wind, and biogas from organic waste and wastewater should suffice to warm and light this town of 156,000 residents." (More)

Report: Global Warming Causes 300,000 Deaths a Year
John Vidal, The Guardian UK: "Climate change is already responsible for 300,000 deaths a year and is affecting 300 million people, according to the first comprehensive study of the human impact of global warming." (More)
Gregoire Alix reports for Le Monde from the Dutch city of Apeldoorn: "'In 2020, all energy consumed in Apeldoorn will have to be renewable, without fossil fuels, without nuclear power, and produced in our own city.' With graphs for support, Michael Boddeke, the official in charge of sustainable development for this city that looks like a blossoming village at the center of the Netherlands, is optimistic: solar, wind, and biogas from organic waste and wastewater should suffice to warm and light this town of 156,000 residents." (More)

A family wades through flood waters to catch a relief boat, north-east of Patna, India. Photograph: Manish Swarup/AP

Report: Global Warming Causes 300,000 Deaths a Year
John Vidal, The Guardian UK: "Climate change is already responsible for 300,000 deaths a year and is affecting 300 million people, according to the first comprehensive study of the human impact of global warming." (More)
Flood victims flee Trinidad, Bolivia, for higher ground. (Photo: Aizar Raldes / AFP / Getty Images)
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