Crap-O-Labor-Day 1

The Face of Labor In the Streets (Photo Essay)
Monday 06 September 2010
by: David Bacon, t r u t h o u t | Report
San Francisco - This Labor Day the faces in the streets in cities across the U.S. are those of hotel workers, picketing some of the world's most luxurious establishments. In San Francisco, cooks, room cleaners, housemen and laundry workers laid siege to the Downtown Hilton recently, demanding that the corporation negotiate a new contract with their union, UNITE HERE Local 2.
This fall, the conflict between the union and the hotel corporations is spreading to over 40,000 workers in at least nine cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis, Monterey, Vancouver, Honolulu, and Washington DC.
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Crap-O-Labor-Day 2

(Photo: Elyce Feliz / Flickr)
A Labor Day Commitment to the Common Good
Thursday 09 September 2010
by: Jim Hightower, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
America's corporate chieftains must love poor people, for they're doing all they can to create millions more of them.
They're knocking down wages, offshoring everything from manufacturing jobs to high tech, reducing full-time work to part-time, downsizing our workplaces, busting unions, cutting health care coverage and canceling pensions -- while also lobbying in Washington to privatize Social Security, eliminate job safety protections, restrict unemployment benefits, kill job-creating programs and increase corporate control of our elections.
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