Republican Economics as Social Darwinism
John Boehner, the Republican House leader who will become Speaker if Democrats lose control of the House in the upcoming midterms, recently offered his solution to the current economic crisis: “Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmer, liquidate real estate. It will purge the rottenness out of the system. People will work harder, lead a more moral life.”
Actually, those weren’t Boehner’s words. They were uttered by Herbert Hoover’s treasury secretary, millionaire industrialist Andrew Mellon, after the Great Crash of 1929. (Read On, Americans)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
last september sunday
Downhill With the G.O.P.
Published: September 23, 2010/The New York Times
Once upon a time, a Latin American political party promised to help motorists save money on gasoline. How? By building highways that ran only downhill.
I’ve always liked that story, but the truth is that the party received hardly any votes. And that means that the joke is really on us. For these days one of America’s two great political parties routinely makes equally nonsensical promises. Never mind the war on terror, the party’s main concern seems to be the war on arithmetic. And this party has a better than even chance of retaking at least one house of Congress this November.
Banana republic, here we come.
(Read More)
Downhill With the G.O.P.
Published: September 23, 2010/The New York Times
Once upon a time, a Latin American political party promised to help motorists save money on gasoline. How? By building highways that ran only downhill.
I’ve always liked that story, but the truth is that the party received hardly any votes. And that means that the joke is really on us. For these days one of America’s two great political parties routinely makes equally nonsensical promises. Never mind the war on terror, the party’s main concern seems to be the war on arithmetic. And this party has a better than even chance of retaking at least one house of Congress this November.
Banana republic, here we come.
(Read More)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
a sunday of dark age
Crap-O-Christian-inSanity !
Hypatia and the Clash of Civilizations in Late Antiquity
Sunday 19 September 2010
by: Evaggelos Vallianatos, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
When the Greeks spoke of "agora," they meant a place for political discussion, jury trials, and a market. In other words, agora was the center of Greek life.
In October 9, 2009, the Spanish movie producer, Alejandro Amenabar, released a film he pointedly named "Agora," in which he zeroed in the clash of Greek and Christian civilizations in the fourth and fifth centuries in Alexandria, Egypt.
Hypatia and the Clash of Civilizations in Late Antiquity
Sunday 19 September 2010
by: Evaggelos Vallianatos, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
When the Greeks spoke of "agora," they meant a place for political discussion, jury trials, and a market. In other words, agora was the center of Greek life.
In October 9, 2009, the Spanish movie producer, Alejandro Amenabar, released a film he pointedly named "Agora," in which he zeroed in the clash of Greek and Christian civilizations in the fourth and fifth centuries in Alexandria, Egypt.
Monday, September 13, 2010
monday monday
Crap-O-Dem0-AmeRica !
Do Not Pity the Democrats
Monday 13 September 2010
by: Chris Hedges | Truthdig | Op-Ed
Chris Hedges, Truthdig: "There are no longer any major institutions in American society, including the press, the educational system, the financial sector, labor unions, the arts, religious institutions and our dysfunctional political parties, which can be considered democratic.... The menace we face does not come from the insane wing of the Republican Party, which may make huge inroads in the coming elections, but the institutions tasked with protecting democratic participation.... Investing emotional and intellectual energy in electoral politics is a waste of time. Resistance means a radical break with the formal structures of American society. We must cut as many ties with consumer society and corporations as possible. We must build a new political and economic consciousness centered on the tangible issues of sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and radical environmental reform."
(Read Article)
(Photo: Concentrated Passion)
Marijuana "Prohibition" on California's Ballot
Monday 13 September 2010
by: Kevin Zeese | Consortium News | Op-Ed
Note: Families all across America have been touched in one way or another by the 37-year-old drive to eradicate marijuana use. Beyond the prison overcrowding that has resulted, many young people with promising futures have had criminal convictions stuck on their permanent records.
And, while costing the taxpayers' billions of dollars, the prohibition effort has also strengthened organized crime, much as Prohibition on alcohol did nearly a century ago, factors that have led California to consider a retreat in this "war," as "prohibition" opponent Kevin Zeese notes in this guest essay:
Since the founding of the Drug Enforcement Administration in 1973, 15 million Americans have been arrested for marijuana.
That is more people than live in California's 25 largest cities – millions more than live in Ohio, Pennsylvania or Illinois.
(Read More)
Do Not Pity the Democrats
Monday 13 September 2010
by: Chris Hedges | Truthdig | Op-Ed
Chris Hedges, Truthdig: "There are no longer any major institutions in American society, including the press, the educational system, the financial sector, labor unions, the arts, religious institutions and our dysfunctional political parties, which can be considered democratic.... The menace we face does not come from the insane wing of the Republican Party, which may make huge inroads in the coming elections, but the institutions tasked with protecting democratic participation.... Investing emotional and intellectual energy in electoral politics is a waste of time. Resistance means a radical break with the formal structures of American society. We must cut as many ties with consumer society and corporations as possible. We must build a new political and economic consciousness centered on the tangible issues of sustainable agriculture, self-sufficiency and radical environmental reform."
(Read Article)
(Photo: Concentrated Passion)
Marijuana "Prohibition" on California's Ballot
Monday 13 September 2010
by: Kevin Zeese | Consortium News | Op-Ed
Note: Families all across America have been touched in one way or another by the 37-year-old drive to eradicate marijuana use. Beyond the prison overcrowding that has resulted, many young people with promising futures have had criminal convictions stuck on their permanent records.
And, while costing the taxpayers' billions of dollars, the prohibition effort has also strengthened organized crime, much as Prohibition on alcohol did nearly a century ago, factors that have led California to consider a retreat in this "war," as "prohibition" opponent Kevin Zeese notes in this guest essay:
Since the founding of the Drug Enforcement Administration in 1973, 15 million Americans have been arrested for marijuana.
That is more people than live in California's 25 largest cities – millions more than live in Ohio, Pennsylvania or Illinois.
(Read More)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
saturday, the 9th 911 day
An Open Letter From a Liberal to The Tea Party
by rjw78741
Sat Sep 11, 2010 at 01:18:57 PM PDT
Dear Tea Party:
I heard you've been studying the Constitution. That's great! The Left loves the Constitution. We have some common ground there. In fact, liberals have been talking a lot about the Constitution for the last ten years. (You might want to check out a short book by Naomi Wolf called "The End of America: Letters to a Young Patriot," published in 2006.)
I can tell you that the Left is feeling frustrated these days, just like you. Believe it or not, we're not well-represented in Washington. We wanted a green energy policy but that has largely been ignored. We wanted a public health insurance option but that was completely excluded from the health care debate. We wanted secret detentions to stop but they haven't. We wanted out of Iraq and Afghanistan but Obama's digging in deeper. We wanted the people who caused the Great Recession to be brought to accountability but they're still being coddled. We wanted to take back government from corporate control but that hasn't happened. They're just not listening to us liberals in Washington!
rjw78741's diary :: ::
I know many of you are hurting from the financial collapse. You've lost your homes, your jobs and your businesses. Many liberals have suffered the same, and we want to do something about it. You are not happy with the way Washington is operating, and neither are we. We feel your pain.
We have so much in common – where we differ is on the facts. But that's good news, too, because the facts can be ascertained if we just put some effort into finding them. You know what? We should work together. Rarely have so many outsiders had so much motivation to effect change.
But before we can work together, we have to settle four major areas of difference: (Read More)
by rjw78741
Sat Sep 11, 2010 at 01:18:57 PM PDT
Dear Tea Party:
I heard you've been studying the Constitution. That's great! The Left loves the Constitution. We have some common ground there. In fact, liberals have been talking a lot about the Constitution for the last ten years. (You might want to check out a short book by Naomi Wolf called "The End of America: Letters to a Young Patriot," published in 2006.)
I can tell you that the Left is feeling frustrated these days, just like you. Believe it or not, we're not well-represented in Washington. We wanted a green energy policy but that has largely been ignored. We wanted a public health insurance option but that was completely excluded from the health care debate. We wanted secret detentions to stop but they haven't. We wanted out of Iraq and Afghanistan but Obama's digging in deeper. We wanted the people who caused the Great Recession to be brought to accountability but they're still being coddled. We wanted to take back government from corporate control but that hasn't happened. They're just not listening to us liberals in Washington!
rjw78741's diary :: ::
I know many of you are hurting from the financial collapse. You've lost your homes, your jobs and your businesses. Many liberals have suffered the same, and we want to do something about it. You are not happy with the way Washington is operating, and neither are we. We feel your pain.
We have so much in common – where we differ is on the facts. But that's good news, too, because the facts can be ascertained if we just put some effort into finding them. You know what? We should work together. Rarely have so many outsiders had so much motivation to effect change.
But before we can work together, we have to settle four major areas of difference: (Read More)
Friday, September 10, 2010
a lay-back friday in america
(Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: The U.S. Army, Kevin Dooley, Andrea Campi)
"With all the attention on the supposed withdrawal of US combat forces, it is important to acknowledge the forces that got us into this tragic conflict in the first place. It was not just George W. Bush.... The responsibility for the deaths of over 4,400 American soldiers, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, the waste of nearly one trillion dollars of our national treasury and the rise of terrorism and Islamist extremism that has come as a result of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq rests as much in the hands of the members in Congress who authorized the invasion as it does with the administration that requested the lawmakers' approval." (Read More)
"With all the attention on the supposed withdrawal of US combat forces, it is important to acknowledge the forces that got us into this tragic conflict in the first place. It was not just George W. Bush.... The responsibility for the deaths of over 4,400 American soldiers, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, the waste of nearly one trillion dollars of our national treasury and the rise of terrorism and Islamist extremism that has come as a result of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq rests as much in the hands of the members in Congress who authorized the invasion as it does with the administration that requested the lawmakers' approval." (Read More)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
after the bar-b-q, for some
The Wealthy Public-Sector Worker: A Myth Debunked
Thursday 09 September 2010
by: Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co.
Whenever the subject of state and local governments' fiscal plight comes up here in the United States, conservatives engage in spittle-flecked denunciations of unions and their crazy pay packages.... I looked at finance data from the U.S. Census and got the composition of nonfederal government spending shown in the graphic on this page. You'll see two things. First, wages and retirement benefits don't take up an unreasonably large piece of the pie. Second, subtracting a few percentage points either in pay or retirement benefits would not actually make a big difference. In the end, this is a phony issue. (ReAd MOre)
HHS to insurers: Don't blame us for your rates
From Associated Press
The Wealthy Public-Sector Worker: A Myth Debunked
Thursday 09 September 2010
by: Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co.
Whenever the subject of state and local governments' fiscal plight comes up here in the United States, conservatives engage in spittle-flecked denunciations of unions and their crazy pay packages.... I looked at finance data from the U.S. Census and got the composition of nonfederal government spending shown in the graphic on this page. You'll see two things. First, wages and retirement benefits don't take up an unreasonably large piece of the pie. Second, subtracting a few percentage points either in pay or retirement benefits would not actually make a big difference. In the end, this is a phony issue. (ReAd MOre)
HHS to insurers: Don't blame us for your rates
From Associated Press
September 09, 2010 8:44 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's top health official on Thursday warned the insurance industry that the administration won't tolerate blaming premium hikes on the new health overhaul law.
"There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a letter to the insurance lobby.
"Simply stated, we will not stand idly by as insurers blame their premium hikes and increased profits on the requirement that they provide consumers with basic protections," Sebelius said. She warned that bad actors may be excluded from new health insurance markets that will open in 2014 under the law. They'd lose out on a big pool of customers, as many as 30 million people nationwide. (REaD MoRE)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama's top health official on Thursday warned the insurance industry that the administration won't tolerate blaming premium hikes on the new health overhaul law.
"There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a letter to the insurance lobby.
"Simply stated, we will not stand idly by as insurers blame their premium hikes and increased profits on the requirement that they provide consumers with basic protections," Sebelius said. She warned that bad actors may be excluded from new health insurance markets that will open in 2014 under the law. They'd lose out on a big pool of customers, as many as 30 million people nationwide. (REaD MoRE)
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Labor Day Again
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
1938 in 2010
Published: September 5, 2010
Paul Krugman: "It's slightly sickening to realize that the big winners in the midterm elections are likely to be the very people who first got us into this mess, then did everything in their power to block action to get us out." (Read More)
The Labor Day
Crap-O-Labor-Day 1
Hilton workers protested late last month, demanding that the corporation negotiate a new contract with their union. (Photo: David Bacon)
The Face of Labor In the Streets (Photo Essay)
Monday 06 September 2010
by: David Bacon, t r u t h o u t | Report
San Francisco - This Labor Day the faces in the streets in cities across the U.S. are those of hotel workers, picketing some of the world's most luxurious establishments. In San Francisco, cooks, room cleaners, housemen and laundry workers laid siege to the Downtown Hilton recently, demanding that the corporation negotiate a new contract with their union, UNITE HERE Local 2.
This fall, the conflict between the union and the hotel corporations is spreading to over 40,000 workers in at least nine cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, Toronto, Minneapolis, Monterey, Vancouver, Honolulu, and Washington DC.
(Read More)
Crap-O-Labor-Day 2
(Photo: Elyce Feliz / Flickr)
A Labor Day Commitment to the Common Good
Thursday 09 September 2010
by: Jim Hightower, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
America's corporate chieftains must love poor people, for they're doing all they can to create millions more of them.
They're knocking down wages, offshoring everything from manufacturing jobs to high tech, reducing full-time work to part-time, downsizing our workplaces, busting unions, cutting health care coverage and canceling pensions -- while also lobbying in Washington to privatize Social Security, eliminate job safety protections, restrict unemployment benefits, kill job-creating programs and increase corporate control of our elections.
(Read More)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Labor day sunday
GOP's CRAP-ON-Obama Stimulus!
The Real Story
But let's put politics aside and talk about what we've actually learned about economic policy over the past 20 months.
When Mr. Obama first proposed $800 billion in fiscal stimulus, there were two groups of critics. Both argued that unemployment would stay high - but for very different reasons.
One group - the group that got almost all the attention - declared that the stimulus was much too large, and would lead to disaster. If you were, say, reading The Wall Street Journal's opinion pages in early 2009, you would have been repeatedly informed that the Obama plan would lead to skyrocketing interest rates and soaring inflation.
(Read More)
BP Threatens to Cut Aid to Spill Victims If Not Allowed to Drill
By Joel Schectman, Newsweek
04 September 10
n what could be a new low at BP, the company said it may not be able to pay for the damages from the Deepwater Horizon if Congress prohibits it from drilling offshore. BP appears to be betting that the threat to renege on its cleanup and compensation promises will pressure Congress to allow the company to continue drilling in the gulf, despite having created the worst environmental catastrophe in history.
The House passed a bill in July that would prevent companies with more than 10 deaths at their facilities from getting permits to drill on the outer continental shelf. Only BP's record was poor enough to reach the threshold.
BP did not return calls for comment, but a spokesman told The New York Times: "I am not going to make a direct linkage to the $20 billion [compensation fund], but our ability to fund these assets and the cash coming from these assets that are securing these funds would be lost" if the House bill were enacted by the full Congress.
The oil giant's expectation that Congress will be cowed by the apparent intimidation tactic may be correct, as response from the Hill to the threat has so far been muted. "It's like Bonnie and Clyde saying we are not going to pay back the money we stole unless you let us keep robbing banks," Democratic Rep. George Miller of California, who added the language to the bill, told NEWSWEEK. "We need to be able to assure people in the gulf that the companies getting permits are safe. But this is absolutely a rogue company in how they ignore both safety and environmental regulations."
BP had $16.6 billion in profits in 2009.
The Real Story
Paul Krugman, The New York Times
03 September 10
03 September 10
Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times
Paul Krugman
Next week, President Obama is scheduled to propose new measures to boost the economy. I hope they're bold and substantive, since the Republicans will oppose him regardless - if he came out for motherhood, the G.O.P. would declare motherhood un-American. So he should put them on the spot for standing in the way of real action.
But let's put politics aside and talk about what we've actually learned about economic policy over the past 20 months.
When Mr. Obama first proposed $800 billion in fiscal stimulus, there were two groups of critics. Both argued that unemployment would stay high - but for very different reasons.
One group - the group that got almost all the attention - declared that the stimulus was much too large, and would lead to disaster. If you were, say, reading The Wall Street Journal's opinion pages in early 2009, you would have been repeatedly informed that the Obama plan would lead to skyrocketing interest rates and soaring inflation.
(Read More)
Crab-trap builder Shawn Platt's traps idle, Hopedale, Louisiana, 05/13/10. (photo: Getty Images)
BP Threatens to Cut Aid to Spill Victims If Not Allowed to Drill
By Joel Schectman, Newsweek
04 September 10
n what could be a new low at BP, the company said it may not be able to pay for the damages from the Deepwater Horizon if Congress prohibits it from drilling offshore. BP appears to be betting that the threat to renege on its cleanup and compensation promises will pressure Congress to allow the company to continue drilling in the gulf, despite having created the worst environmental catastrophe in history.
The House passed a bill in July that would prevent companies with more than 10 deaths at their facilities from getting permits to drill on the outer continental shelf. Only BP's record was poor enough to reach the threshold.
BP did not return calls for comment, but a spokesman told The New York Times: "I am not going to make a direct linkage to the $20 billion [compensation fund], but our ability to fund these assets and the cash coming from these assets that are securing these funds would be lost" if the House bill were enacted by the full Congress.
The oil giant's expectation that Congress will be cowed by the apparent intimidation tactic may be correct, as response from the Hill to the threat has so far been muted. "It's like Bonnie and Clyde saying we are not going to pay back the money we stole unless you let us keep robbing banks," Democratic Rep. George Miller of California, who added the language to the bill, told NEWSWEEK. "We need to be able to assure people in the gulf that the companies getting permits are safe. But this is absolutely a rogue company in how they ignore both safety and environmental regulations."
BP had $16.6 billion in profits in 2009.
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