Kill the Indian. Save the Man.
Thursday 02 July 2009
by: Dahr Jamail and Jason Coppola, t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Manifest Destiny
In 1845, an American columnist, John O'Sullivan, writing about the proposed annexation of Texas, claimed that it was America's "manifest destiny to overspread the continent." Later in the same year, referring to the ongoing dispute with Great Britain over Oregon, he wrote that the United States had the right to claim "the whole of Oregon." More

Nicole Sadighi, an Iranian living in London, England, holds her dog Mishka as she rallies beneath a large pre-revolution Iranian flag during a protest against the election results in Iran. (Photo: AP)
US Uses False Taliban Aid Charge to Pressure Iran
Gareth Porter, Inter Press Service: "The Barack Obama administration has given new prominence to a Bush administration charge that Iran is providing military training and assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan, for which no evidence has ever been produced, and which has been discredited by data obtained by IPS from the Pentagon itself. The new twist in the charge is that it is being made in the context of serious talks between NATO officials and Iran involving possible Iranian cooperation in NATO's logistical support for the war against the insurgents in Afghanistan." More
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