

An indigenous man in Peru is part of the indigenous rights movement protesting development in the Amazon jungle. (Photo: Reuters)
Activists Urge Obama to Use Trade Pact as Leverage
Tuesday 16 June 2009
by: Haider Rizvi | Visit article original @ Inter Press Service
NEW YORK, Jun 16 (IPS) - The United States government is coming under intense pressure from rights organisations and environmental groups to redefine its trade pact with Peru, a tool that they charge the government in Lima is using to justify oppression against the indigenous population. MOre

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke awaits President Obama's remarks on new regulatory reform. (Title: AP)
Obama Plan Improves Regulatory Structure but Doesn't Address Accountability
Wednesday 17 June 2009
by: Dean Baker, t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Washington, DC - There are many useful features of President Obama's proposals for the reform of the regulatory system. Most notably, the plan to establish an agency to ensure that financial products are fair and transparent to consumers is a big step forward. Such an agency might have prevented many of the worst abuses in the subprime market. mOrE!
1 comment:
love the fridge joke!
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