
Following an Israeli missile strike, a Palestinian man attempts to douse flames from a fuel t
ank. (Photo: Xinhua / AP)
Ira Chernus | Palestinian and Israeli Violence: Time to Change the StoryIra Chernus, "The Israel Project hired pollster Stanley Greenberg to test American opinion on the Middle East conflict - and got a big surprise. In September 2008, 69% of Americans called themselves pro-Israel. Now, it's only 49%. In September, the same 69% wanted the US to side with Israel; now, only 44%. How to explain this dramatic shift? Greenberg himself suggested the answer years ago when he pointed out that, in politics, 'a narrative is the key to everything.' Last year the old narrative about the Middle East conflict was still dominant: Israel is an innocent victim, doing only what it must do to defend itself against the Palestinians. Today, that narrative is beginning to lose its grip on Americans."
A nun stands vigilant at the gate of the School of the America's at Fort Benning, Georgia. (Photo: St. Anthony's)
Louis Wolf | A Thoroughly Un-American Institution Louis Wolf, Council on Hemispheric Affairs: "Today, Thursday June 25th Congress will to vote on an amendment to the Defense Authorization Act which would require the School of the Americas/WHINSEC to release to the public the names, ranks, countries of origin, courses taken and dates of attendance of all the students and instructors at the institute. The School of the America's, renamed WHINSEC, is an organization founded with the explicit purpose of teaching its students the science of torture and interrogation techniques. Its records have been concealed, and for the most part its dealings shrouded in mystery."
Los Angeles County Federation of Labor leader Maria Elena Durazo at a rally where she urged Fresh & Easy supermarkets to negotiate a Community Benefits Agreement with a local coalition. (Photo: AP)Recession No Time to Retreat, Says LA Labor LeaderPatrick J. McDonnell, The Los Angeles Times: "The state may be going broke, jobs may be vanishing like the morning mist, and the nation may be enduring its worst economic stretch in decades. But Southern California's top labor leader says this is not the time for unions to beat a retreat. On the contrary."