Tuesday 10 March 2009
by: Julie Sell | Visit article original @ McClatchy Newspapers
A U.N. expert is accusing the United States and some of its allies of breaching international law for the so-called extraordinary renditions and subsequent alleged torture of terrorism suspects during the Bush administration's global war on terrorism, and is launching a probe into the detention of suspects.

The Associated Press: "Tibetans and their supporters marched through the city and elsewhere Tuesday, saying they wanted to speak up for a silenced people on the 50th anniversary of the failed uprising that forced the Dalai Lama into exile. Carrying a portrait of the Tibetan spiritual leader and chanting such slogans as 'we want free Tibet,' more than 1,000 protesters followed a more than eight-mile route and rallied near the United Nations and the Chinese Consulate."

Robert Naiman, Truthout: "A progressive presidency is a terrible thing to waste. It only comes around once every so often. Wouldn't it be a shame if Americans' hopes for the Obama administration were squandered in Afghanistan?"

Amy Goodman, Truthdig: "President Barack Obama promises health-care reform, but he has taken single-payer health care off the table. Single-payer is the system that removes private insurance companies from the picture; the government pays all the bills, but health-care delivery remains private. People still get their choice of what doctor to go to and what hospital to use. Single-payer reduces the administrative costs and removes the profit that insurance companies add to health-care delivery. Single-payer solutions, however, get almost no space in the debate."
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