Thursday, December 23, 2010

the eve of christmas eve


President Barack Obama on a phone call in the Oval Office on December 21, 2010. (Photo: Pete Souza / -->

Jim Hightower | Obama to the Corporate Powers: I Feel Your Pain

Jim Hightower, Truthout: "Guess who's whining the loudest these days, wailing that they're getting a raw deal from Barack Obama. Not the unemployed and barely employed - even though the White House has blithely ignored their critical need for a national jobs program. Not the poor, even though their ranks are swelling as millions of Americans fall out of the middle class."

Sunday, December 12, 2010

misty grey sunday


A group of Afghans outside a market in Bamiyan province, Afghanistan, on June 8, 2008. Public opinion polls show that support for the U.S. military is only slightly higher than support for Osama bin Laden. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)

Two young Afghan boys watch a group of armored vehicles. (Photo: MCpl Kevin Paul / lafrancevi)

Afghans Overwhelmingly Want US Troops Out - and Soon
Jean MacKenzie, GlobalPost: "More than half of all Afghans - 55 percent - want U.S. forces out of their country, and the sooner the better. Add it all up, and it is pretty bad news for the U.S. military as it examines its options ahead of next week’s Afghanistan strategy review.... The poll ... shows a nation yearning for an end to hostilities."
(Read the Article)

<-- Shibuya, Tokyo. (Photo: - reuben -)

Reconsidering Japan and Reconsidering Paul Krugman
Sunday 12 December 2010
by: Steven Hill, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis

Steven Hill, Truthout: "The New York Times is doing a series on Japan, which the Times describes as an examination of 'the effects on Japanese society of two decades of economic stagnation and declining prices.' Reading the series is about as cheery a task as rubbernecking at a car wreck on I-95, but, unfortunately, the Times series simply repeats the 'conventional wisdom' about Japan put out by the same economic experts who missed an $8 trillion housing bubble in the United States, and, in fact, have been wrong on most of the big economic issues over the past two decades."
(Read the Article)


Sunday, December 5, 2010

rainy sun-day

Crap-O-Day !!

(Photo: Nataraj Metz)

9.8 Percent: The Number That the Deficit Commission Left Out

Dave Johnson, Campaign for America's Future: "Congress clearly doesn't see what the rest of us see. If they did, how could they possibly do the things they are doing? There is an absolute emergency going on in the country and Congress refuses to even see it. With 9.8 percent of us jobless - that is the official rate, not counting the people who have given up or are 'under' employed or took pay cuts or whatever - Congress is debating tax cuts for the rich and cutting back on programs for the rest of us."
