Crap-O-Double-Standard-Talk !!
(Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: sunilgarg, kzappaster, ~Brenda-Starr~)Obama Targets Iran for Human Rights Violations and Shields Bush Officials for Engaging in Same AbusesFriday 01 October 2010
by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | News AnalysisWhat a stunning display of hypocrisy.
"The United States is strongly committed to the promotion of human rights around the world, including in the Islamic Republic of Iran," the White House said in a news release following the issuance of the executive order. "As the President noted in his recent address to the United Nations General Assembly, human rights are a matter of moral and pragmatic necessity for the United States."
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(Image: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t; Adapted: Eduardo Nasi, spanaut)Five Ways the Democrats Can Avoid a Catastrophe and Pull Off the Mother of All UpsetsBy Michael Moore
Today's OpenMike blogThe election is one month from tomorrow and, yes, it looks hopeless. November 2nd -- the day the Dems are expected to crash and burn.
Sadly, it's a situation the Democrats have brought upon themselves -- even though the majority of them didn't create the mess we're in. But they've had over a year and a half to start getting the job done to fix it. Instead, they've run scared ever since they took power. To many, the shellacking they're about to receive is one they deserve.
But if you're of a mindset that believes a return to 2001-2008 would be sheer insanity, then you probably agree we've got no choice but to save the Democrats from themselves.
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(Historian Susan Reverby who unearthed the 1940s U.S. Public Health Services STD experiments in Guatemala | Courtesy: Wellesley College.)
Read more: Admits It Infected Guatemalans With Syphilis in 1940sFriday 01 October 2010
by: Tim Johnson | McClatchy Newspapers | Report
Friday’s acknowledgment sheds new light on US medical experiments that included the infamous “Tuskegee” syphilis study in which scientists observed, but didn’t treat, hundreds of African American men with late-stage syphilis in Macon County, Alabama. (Photo: National Archives and Records Administration)Mexico City - Exposing a dark page in its history, the U.S. government acknowledged Friday that its scientists had infected hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis in experiments conducted from 1946 to 1948 in “appalling violations” of medical ethics.
Under the experiments, U.S. scientists sent prostitutes infected with syphilis into a Guatemalan prison, mental health hospital and army barracks to test possible cures.
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